Real estate chatbot

Smartlivechatbot’s Real Estate bot is a software program that automatically responds to potential buyers and sellers qualifying the leads in marketing campaigns.

Our Real estate chatbot’s can answer common queries, collect lead information and even connect prospects to you when they’re interested. Our chatbot’s can be implemented on website or mobile app.

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Qualify leads through chatbot

Our real estate chatbot is powered by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that understands buyer and seller inputs. This allows the chatbot to respond to customers’ questions and answers.

Buyers and sellers can book appointments with agents and get property information in minutes.

1. Chatbot responds

Artificial intelligence immediately responds to real estate leads, follows up with them and qualifies them.

There are a variety of conversation flows that kick-in based on what chat visitors need and how they respond.

2. Connect lead sources

Connect new leads from CRM or revitalize existing leads

Smart bot will ask all kinds of screening questions and then pass the answers into your customer relationship management (CRM) software.

The bot can be programmed to get simple information like what they’re looking for, when they need the property, or other information that will be useful to nurture clients into leads properly.

3. Chat details emailed to you

You will receive an email containing the name of the lead, their contact details and relevant details of the chat. Details include responses to questions and text responses from leads.

4. Take over the lead

Get notified of leads that are ready through mobile app, text message or email

5. Long-term follow-up

Most deals take 6 - 8 conversations to close. Our A.I manages it in a single conversation.

Left link on website- Real estate Bots


When a user lands on your website, they can immediately get their queries answered by the realtor chatbot.

Seller leads are routed to the home valuation conversation flow. This allows the bot to quickly and easily provide details about their home.

Property Management

Generate tenant leads, coordinate showings, accept rental applications, and more with our Chatbot. It can even handle tenant support requests.

Virtual Property Tours

Chatbot’s for real estate can give you a detailed and closer look at the property virtually.

After showcasing the rental listings, the chatbot can display the calendar and allow a prospect to schedule a meeting or a home tour at a convenient time. Scheduling site visits can be automated by syncing up with the agents’ calendars.

Advantages of Real Estate Chatbot

  • Real Estate Omni-Capabilities
  • Recorded Conversations
  • Improved Leads Qualification

Real Estate Omni-Capabilities

Chatbot’s have the ability to converse seamlessly across multiple digital channels while retaining data and context for smooth customer service and user experience.

It can be integrated with your database, CRM and other applications to automate data collection and communication across the customer journey in effective ways.

Recorded Conversations

With our chatbot’s, all conversations are saved in the archives. So, if the team tries to contact the prospect, they can easily go through the whole chatbot conversation to easily catch up with the customer’s case.

Improved Leads Qualification

Our Bots for real estate can qualify potential leads by scoring them in real-time and transfer the hottest leads to real estate agents instantly and thus improving conversion rate.

Chatbot’s can take over simple tasks such as answering common questions and collecting contact details of prospects. By using this customer interaction, it can easily determine what the customer is looking for and nurture the lead ahead.

Showing 90 Chatbot Templates

  • Online Grocery Shopping Chatbot

    When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines.

    See Preview
  • Online Grocery Shopping Chatbot

    When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines.

    See Preview
  • Online Grocery Shopping Chatbot

    When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines.

    See Preview
  • Online Grocery Shopping Chatbot

    When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines.

    See Preview
  • Online Grocery Shopping Chatbot

    When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines.

    See Preview
  • Online Grocery Shopping Chatbot

    When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines.

    See Preview

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